Finding new love for the New Year

Hi friends! 

I will begin this post like every post.

This space has been echoing with my absence for way too long. Maybe I should stop telling myself that I will post regularly, because clearly that never happens.

I've needed a breather. I've wanted to write something to express my feelings about all of the atrocities that have been happening lately. Paris, Lebanon etc..
But I think everything has been said. I feel an immense sadness for the victims and their families, once again life has flipped upside down and you realize how naive we are, how we think that "it will never happen to me". Clearly that's not the case. Violence, hatred, ignorance and fear exists everywhere and can affect anyone. Regardless of your financial background, skin-, eye, hair color, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, political views, country etc. It's sad, but true.

Instead of focusing on these heartbreaking things I'd rather write about something more positive and light. I have been spending time with friends, focusing on work/school and spending time with my new love. We even took a weekend trip to Malmö together a couple of weeks ago and stayed with my friend Sara and her boyfriend Nasim :).
Unfortunately we spent Christmas apart since he had to go to the Netherlands and spend it with his family.

Winter has now hit Stockholm (super late this time), and so far I don't really mind it. There is something magical with snow, the one thing that really gets to me is the darkness though. Barely seeing sunlight for close to six months is BRUTAL! Ice skating is always nice though. :)

I'm also really looking forward to the New Year. Hopefully it will be better then this past year which has been one big roller coaster. What are you guys doing for New Years? My boyfriend and I are going for dinner and then a masquerade ball. It's gonna be epic! :)

I also want to start updating here more frequently. Allow this to become a creative space, as well as an online journal. I'm thinking hopefully three times a week, ca. It would be awesome if you guys would embark on this journey with me. :)
I'll probably make one more post before the New year, but if not. God Fortsättning! 
