Living with le boyfriend!

Hi friends! 

How are you doing?! Well I hope! I'm great!

As you might be able to tell from the title I have som exciting news! My boyfriend and I are now living together (ca 80%-90% of the time). It's really exciting and scary at the same time, I've never shared a living space with anyone except for my parents and now I have some clothes here, toothbrush, I've been buying groceries etc. The apartment is a rental and fully furnished, it's a two room place and ca 60 sqm. We have a walk in too which is awesome, but it's also kind of weird to see my boyfriends' shirts hanging next to my clothes. Weird, but really great too!

I'm so excited for this. I feel like such an adult now. HEHE. *Vuxenpoäng*.
We will definitely have friends and stuff over for dinner and games night.


This post is quite short, but I will definitely blog more about our life together. Expect it to dominate my blog now...

Talk soon!


PS: I will take new pics soon!