25 Q's: Get to know me

25 Get to Know Me Q’s
Hello friends of the Internet! 
How are ya'all doing? Had a good weekend? I have :) On Friday my friend Noor, her cousin from Iran, my boyfriend Sebastian and I hit up this awesome underground burlesque bar in town. And last night S and I had a chill evening by hitting up this Dutch pancake night at the Backpackers City Hostel, it was cold - but really cozy. :) Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures though :(
I don't think I've ever properly introduced myself on this plattform, how very rude of me. Anyways I figured it could be nice for you guys to get to know me a little better, so I googled good questions and found these 25 Q's: 

1. What is your middle name?: Sara, Avalanche πŸ™‚ Sara because my Swedish grandmother wanted me to have a "Swedish" name, although Sara is very international, Avalanche because my mom wanted me to have a nature inspired name. I will probably pass this on to my own kids in the future. 
2. What was your favorite subject at school?: History. I am a real girly-girl. I love everything related to beauty and fashion, but beneath all of that superficial stuff lies a little history geek. I am a self-proclaimed expert on the Titanic. I also love reading about WWII/Holocaust, French Revolution etc. 
3. What is your favorite drink?: Water is always super refreshing. I'm TERRIBLE at drinking water, which is evident on my skin right now (normally my skin is pretty good. #blessed), I also like OJ oh, and coffee. I am such a Swede in the sense that I drink waaaaaaay tooooo much coffee. Oopps. Other then that I love cava, wine and cocktails. πŸ™‚
4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: I never have just one favorite. I have a few. Right now I like Sabina Ddumba's newest song, I think it's called Time. I'm also listening to SIA, and Kent (Can't wait for their concert in December!!). If you are Swedish and you are from my generation #early90skid then Kent was most probably a cult band that you grew up listening to. I've never seen them live. Sadly they are quitting and this is their farewell tour so I'm lucky that I get to see their last concert ever. I will cry, fo sho. In general I listen to songs depending on my current mood/what I'm doing etc. 
5. What is your favorite food?: You can't ask a foodie a question like that! I can't pick one! A few favorites are sushi, chicken rice, Indian/Thai food and my mom's home cooked meals which is what I miss the most since moving into my own place. Singapore's cuisine is to die for! 
6. What is the last thing you bought?: Probably groceries. Oh the joy of being an adult.... πŸ™‚ 
7. Favorite book of all time?: This is an easy Q for me to A. ;) I am a huge Harry Potter fan, like MASSIVE Potterhead over here, I have "mischief managed", tattooed on my right foot. So obviously the HP series, but besides that my favorite book ever is SHANTARAM - read it. 
8. Favorite Color?: My favorite color is purple, but I never wear purple.πŸ™‚
9. Do you have any pets?: No, but my BF Sebastian has a miniature schnauzer - Elsa, and she is the cutest thing ever. 
10. Favorite Perfume?: Can I write my top 5? So, in no particular order. Dior Pure Poison Elixir (which sadly has been discontinued), Marc Jacobs  Dot and Daisy, Gucci Envy Me, Victoria Beckham Signature and Escada Sentiment (also discontinued). 
11. Favorite Holiday?: CHRISTMAS.This year it's the first Christmas in my own place and I'm so friggin' excited to buy decorations and decorate my place!!!!!! <3
12. Are you married?: No, but I hope to be one day. 
13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes! More times then I can count! 
14. Do you speak any other language?: Swedish and English I speak fluently, I can hold a basic conversation in Spanish. 
15. How many siblings do you have?: #onlychild πŸ˜‰
16. What is your favorite shop?: H&M + H&M Home, ZARA Home, Gina Tricot, Bik Bok etc. 
17. Favorite restaurant?: Hmmm. This is a hard choice. Probably a Japanese joint. There's a street stall that sells Thai food near my place. YUM!
18. When was the last time you cried?: Don't know. 
19. Favorite Blog?: I read a lot of Swedish bloggers like Kenza, Andrea Hedenstedt etc. πŸ™‚
20. Favorite Movie?: Cider House Rules. 
21. Favorite TV shows?: F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Modern Family, Lost, PLL, New Girl, That 70's show, etc. 
22. PC or Mac?: Mac
23. What phone do you have?: I have an iPhone 5/5s. I think it's time for an upgrade soon... 
24. How tall are you?: 5’4? I'm around 170 cm tall. 
25. Can you cook?: Yes, I can cookπŸ™‚ Normally I just wing it and I prefer cooking for other people more then I enjoy cooking for myself. 

That was a bit more information about me. πŸ™‚
Have a great week everybody. Talk soon! 


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